This week our guest blog was contributed by Mrs. Esparza.
The Advent and Christmas season offers many ways to celebrate and share our Catholic faith with others. As a school community we are taking the opportunity to celebrate a few feast days over the coming weeks. By sharing our plans with you in advance, we hope to inspire family conversations and maybe even some new family celebrations for you to consider adopting in the weeks ahead!
New this year, on December 6, we will celebrate the feast of St. Nicholas. On December 5, students will leave out “shoes” made in anticipation of his visit. Students of all ages enjoyed learning about this tradition in art class with Ms. Schwarzkopf this week!
The following week on December 12, we will celebrate the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Students will participate in a schoolwide prayer service honoring the Patroness of the Americas. This is a longtime St. Mary’s tradition supported by our Segura Program Coordinator, Mrs. Villa.
Finally we will end the Christmas season with an Epiphany blessing on January 5. This Catholic tradition was adopted in January of this year at Saint Mary’s and is a blessing of the home. It commemorates the arrival of the three wise men to Bethlehem after Jesus’s birth. We look forward to blessing our school and classroom thresholds again shortly after school resumes following Christmas Break!