Attendance and punctuality are vital to student success. Students arriving after 7:55am will be marked as tardy. Excessive absences and unexcused late arrivals will require a parent meeting with Administration. Make-up work policies can be found in our Parent & Student Handbook.
If your student will be tardy, absent, dismissed early, or you have a change in carpool pick up, you must email and your student’s homeroom teacher.
If your child is sick, it is also helpful to include our Clinic Nursing Team on your email communication ( so that they can follow up with you as necessary and monitor our school wellness data.
For Early Dismissal it is helpful to provide the Office with as much advance notice as possible so that we can determine where your student will be at the time you request. Early Dismissal Requests received after 2:15pm for same day changes (including carpool changes) may not be seen by Office staff in time to safely accommodate requests.
Similarly, 2:15pm is the cutoff time for all Early Dismissals so as to allow for the safe release of students prior to the start of afternoon carpool. This means all students must be released from the main office prior to 2:15pm. Parents are encouraged to schedule medical appointments outside of school hours when possible.
Anyone picking up your student must report to the front office, be listed under “Emergency Contacts/Pick Up” in your FACTS SIS account and be prepared to present their photo ID upon request.
Parents are encouraged to schedule vacations during planned breaks in the school calendar. If this is not possible and the planned time away exceeds three school days, please seek administrative approval of an excused absence at least one week in advance so that make-up work deadlines can be established.
Extended absences near the end of a marking period are highly discouraged and will shorten make-up work time frame due to predetermined grading deadlines.