Executive Committee Members

Teresa Hamm, President –

Tracy Griffin, Vice President –

Christine Scherder, Treasurer –

Alejandra Avendano, Secretary –

Amy Turner, Teacher Representative

Nancy Hartgrove, Teacher Representative

Lori Valdepeñas, Teacher Representative

Amanda Esparza, Principal

Robyn Dahl, Assistant Principal

2024-2025 Board Bios

Q1 PTO Newsletter

Community Facebook Group


Each Saint Mary’s parent and teacher is automatically a member of the PTO. No dues or signups are required. An executive board recommends programs consistent with Diocesan guidelines and school policy that contribute to the fulfillment of the PTO’s purpose.

Board Elections

If you want to be more involved with the PTO, but are not ready for a Board position, please consider volunteering for a committee. A separate signup genius will be provided for those who wish to express interest in serving our community in this manner.

As you consider running for a PTO Board position, please thoughtfully review the responsibilities of each Board position, as stated in the PTO Board bylaws.

In addition to the responsibilities of each board member, as outlined below, a member of the PTO Board is expected to volunteer at PTO sponsored events. PTO Board members also act as liaisons between parents/staff and the Board. These positions are frequently viewed as “all hands on deck” when organizing/implementing events. The position of Vice President traditionally transitions to the roll of President at the end of the term.

The President will

  • Preside at PTO Board and general membership meetings;
  • Appoint Chairs to standing and ad hoc committees;
  • Serve as a member of the School Advisory Board;
  • Coordinate with the Principal, School Advisory Board, and other PTO Board members to bring social programs and fundraising events to the school that help benefit the school and its community of families;
  • Be an ex-officio member of all Committees;
  • Provide regular updates on strategic plan implementation and integration to the school and its community of families;
  • Act as the direct line of communication with the Principal and St. Mary’s Catholic Church regarding PTO events and operations; 
  • In conjunction with the Principal, assume responsibility for all communications (including the school website) relating to PTO operations; and
  • Assist and support the Principal as necessary.

The Vice President will

  • Attend all PTO Board and general membership meetings;
  • Preside over all PTO Board and general membership meetings in the absence of the President;
  • Assume the duties of the President in the event of resignation, vacancy or removal; 
  • Oversee Board governance to include adherence to and updates of the bylaws;
  • Oversee parliamentary procedure and decisions; 
  • Be an ex-officio member of all Committees; and
  • Assist and support the PTO President and Principal as necessary.

The Secretary will

  • Attend all PTO Board and general membership meetings; 
  • Take notes during Board and general membership meetings; 
  • Record decisions and future action items; 
  • Type and distribute minutes of meetings; 
  • Keep a file of meeting minutes for future reference; 
  • Distribute any other communications as needed; 
  • Amend, edit, and submit changes to the meeting minutes to the President; 
  • Obtain signatures of meeting minutes from the Principal prior to proper dissemination; 
  • Compile, produce and record election backgrounds and results; and
  • Assist and support the PTO President and Principal as necessary.

The Treasurer will

  • Collect all monies of the PTO and deposit same in authorized depository; 
  • Pay all expenses submitted and approved under the PTO; 
  • Establish a budget within the working of the school’s fiscal management; 
  • Attend all PTO Board and general membership meetings; 
  • Keep a full and accurate account of proceeds and expenditures; 
  • Make disbursements as authorized by the Principal, the Board and Committee Chairs; 
  • Present a financial statement at every meeting and at other times as requested by the Board and/or Principal;
  • Serve as a member of the School Finance Committee; and
  • Assist and support the PTO President and Principal as necessary.

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