

General Information

Practice information will be communicated via email by coaches and/or our athletic director. Weather related information will be also be shared via email or text.

Sports Reports (photos, brief details and scores) can be sent to Communications & Marketing for possible inclusion in our weekly newsletter, social media or BVM Sports local features.

Questions? Contact our Athletic Director, Scott Schaefer.

Spring Sports

Coed Track

Elementary Grades Flag Football League

Fall Sports

Coed Elementary Soccer

Divisions - Jk/K, 1st/2nd, 3rd/4th

Game dates - Saturdays at Saint Edward-Epiphany School 9/7; 9/14; 9/21; 9/28; 10/5; 10/12

Game times - 8 am/9 am/ 10 am/ 11 am/ (12 pm if needed)

Practices - 1 per week; day and time determined by volunteer coaches

Coed Flag Football

Divisions - 5th/6th and 7th/8th

Games dates - Saturdays at Westhampton Field (adjacent to Saint Mary’s Hospital) 8/24; 9/7; 9/14; 

9/21; 9/28; 10/5; 10/12 (1 day playoff)

Game times - 10:30/11/11:30/12/12:30

Practices - 1 per week; day and time determined by volunteer coaches

Middle School Girls’ Volleyball

Divisions - possibly 2 different teams depending on registrations and ability level

Game day - Wednesdays at RVC-Stonebridge in N. Chesterfield (close Midlothian Tpk. exit off Chippenham)

Game dates - 9/11; 9/18; 9/25; 10/2; 10/9; 10/16; 10/23

Game times - 5:30/ 6:30/ 7:30

Practices - 1 per week; day and time determined by volunteer coaches

Coed Cross Country

Divisions - Coed 5th-8th grade

Meets - TBA Locations in the past have been Roslyn Retreat Center on River Rd, Collegiate Blair Road, Saint Catherine’s River Road Fields.

Practices - Mondays and Wednesdays after school until 4 pm

Middle School Boys’ Soccer

Games - Most Games are on Wednesdays and Fridays against other Catholic Schools at Westhampton Field (adjacent to Saint Mary’s Hospital); possibility of games outside of Catholic league 

Practices - TBA; days and times determined by volunteer coaches

Pep Squad - Kindergarten & 1st Grade

Practice starts in October - One Monday per month with Head Coach, Mrs. Webber, and Jr. "helpers" from dismissal until 3:30pm

Cheer Team - Grades 2-8

Practice starts in October - Every Monday from 3:30pm until 4:15pm with Head Coach, Mrs. Elphick, and Assistant Coaches, Mrs. Esparza, Mrs. Burke and Mrs. Simpson

Winter Sports

Girls' Basketball (League Play)

Boys' Basketball (League Play)

Cheer Team - Fall & Winter Seasons; registration in Fall; Members, see Band app

Pep Squad - Fall & Winter Seasons; registration in Fall; Members, see Band app

Middies Programs

Saint Gertrude’s Middies: 5th - 8th Grade Girls (Volleyball, Basketball, Field Hockey, Lacrosse & Softball)

Benedictine College Prep’s Middies: 5th through 8th Grade Boys (Football, Lacrosse, Basketball & Baseball)

The Importance of Positive Behavior & Participation

St. Mary's commitment to Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) extends beyond the classroom to all athletic, activity programs/clubs of Saint Mary’s Catholic School, as well as for the individuals who participate. People involved in all facets of athletic, club and activity programs are expected to demonstrate respect for others and display good sportsmanship. It is essential that student-participants, coaches, parents, student groups and fans in general are constantly reminded that Good Sports Are Winners!

Positive experiences do not occur by chance, rather they are a result of a consistent structure, the right perspective, the right leadership, and the true understanding of sportsmanship. ROAR--Respectful, On Task, Accountable and Responsible-- is not merely a campaign; it is the essence of what educational athletics, clubs, and activities are at St. Mary's!

Athlete/Participant/Club Member Pledge

As a student-athlete, I pledge to:

  • Do my best to represent my school, my peers, and myself while striving to have the integrity to know and do what is right.
  • Respect my peers, my leadership, myself and the game/club/activity, including any officials.
  • Take responsibility by embracing opportunities to contribute.
  • Exemplify commitment by bringing my best to all practices and competitions.
  • Provide servant leadership to serve the common good while striving to be a personal and team leader.

Coach/Leader/Director Pledge

As a Coach/Leader, I acknowledge that I am a role model. I know that the principles of good sportsmanship and positive behavior are integrity, fairness, and respect. While teaching the skills of the game or activity, I must also teach students how to win and lose graciously, and that sports, clubs and activities are meant to be educational and fun. I know the behavior expectations set by Saint Mary's Catholic School, and hereby accept my responsibility to be a model of ethical behavior, integrity, and servant leadership.

Parent’s Pledge

As a parent, I acknowledge that I am a role model. I will remember that school athletics, clubs and activities are an extension of the classroom, offering learning experiences for the students. I must show respect for all students, leaders, spectators, and support groups. I will participate in cheers that support, encourage, and uplift the participants involved. I understand the spirit of fair play and good sportsmanship expected by our school. I hereby accept my responsibility to be a model of good behavior that comes with being the parent of a student athlete/participant/club member.

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