A shortlist of Weekly Reminders are sent via email to parents and grandparents each Monday followed by a Recap/Preview email called the Friday Flash sent every Friday. Friday Flash emails occasionally include Sport, Club and Resource class updates, but more detailed information may be sent directly by teachers, coaches and sponsors.
Homeroom teachers in ECDC and Elementary grades have their own parent communication schedules that will be communicated to you during Meet the Teacher Day. Middle School parents can expect to receive a weekly Middle School Snippets email from our IB Coordinator, Mr. Hicks, featuring contributions from all IB MYP faculty members.
St. Mary's makes every effort to keep its school website and social media content accurate and moderated in accordance with Diocesan policies. We invite you to follow us on Instagram and Facebook and to tag us at @saintmarysrva. We always invite you to share Good News and Sports Report submissions (score, description and photos) via email. Our PTO also moderates a Private Facebook Group Page for members of the SMCS Community.
Current families can access two major components of FACTS SIS using two separate online portals. FACTS Family Portal is where parents can find a school directory, student grades and attendance as well as a family profile section where updates can be made throughout the school year.
Please make sure all of your information is updated regularly in FACTS Family Portal including your address, contact information, emergency contacts and family/friends/guardians who have permission to pick your student(s) up from school.
Saint Mary’s School uses data from FACTS Family Portal to manage important email and text notices including, but not limited to emergencies, school-wide events and weather related updates. If you are not receiving text or email updates, please contact Mrs. Bisese, our Admissions Director.
As a parent, you will periodically receive emails through FACTS Billing for tuition and other miscellaneous items throughout the year (field trips, activities, etc.). If you have any trouble accessing FACTS or have questions about Tuition or Financial Aid, please contact Anne Leigh Bisese. For other Billing questions, please contact our Bookkeeper, Denise Kelly.
Volunteering as a carpool helper, mystery reader, field trip chaperone or lunchtime helper are just a few of the many ways to support our community and get to know other families!
Mrs. Osborne is our Lunch Coordinator and can be reached at SMCSlunch@saintmary.org.
Morrissey’s Catering will provide lunches Monday through Wednesday. Every Thursday and Friday lunch is provided by Pizza Express.
Families wishing to purchase lunches must register with Boonli, our online ordering system. New families may follow these Boonli Account set up instructions. Families already registered with Boonli must sign in and update their account each new school year. Usernames and passwords from the previous school year are still active.
New Water Bottle Requirements: Water bottles must seal (no open straws); No glass.
Please remember that our campus is NUT-FREE. This policy extends to snacks, lunches and special treats. Need suggestions? Click here or contact our Clinic Nurse team.
Please review the following information and have your child’s health care provider(s) complete/sign forms as applicable and submit to the clinic prior to the start of the school year.
If your child has Diabetes, Epilepsy, Asthma, or a Food Allergy or any medical condition that requires a school action plan, please fill out the appropriate form below or bring one provided by your child’s health care provider:
Morning Carpool basics – Students in grades 2-8 should be dropped off at the Front Entrance of the school, unless they have younger siblings in ECDC. ECDC students (and any older siblings) should be dropped off at the ECDC Entrance in the rear parking lot.
Afternoon Carpool basics – ECDC students (and older siblings) as well as students in Middle School (with no younger siblings) should be picked up from the rear parking lot. Students in grades 2-5 (and older siblings) should be picked up at the Front Entrance. If you pick up from the Front Entrance, please help us expedite the process by printing and using this dashboard sign.
Click here for the Bike or Walk Home from School Permission Form
Click here for Campus Safety Overview
If your student will be tardy, absent, dismissed early, or you have a change in carpool pick up, you must email Attendance@saintmary.org and your student’s homeroom teacher.
For Early Dismissal it is helpful to provide us with advance notice as this allows us to locate where your student will be at the time you request. Anyone picking up your student must report to the front office, be listed under “Emergency Contacts/Pick Up” in your FACTS SIS account and be prepared to present their photo ID upon request.
ASC operates on school days from dismissal (2:45pm) until 6:00pm. Hours may vary on half days and holidays. A list of Early Release and Closure information will be made available in the ASC section of our website soon.
Please click here for our 2024-2025 rates. Please note that late fees will be incurred for any child picked up after 6:00pm. The late fee is $1.00 per minute.