Please fill in the following survey , to let us know if your child will remain in school after exams. Students who stay will have lunch as normal and be assigned to a classroom for a study hall with a teacher monitor.
Students should arrive at school at normal arrival time and may leave after exams are completed at 11:30 a.m.
Parents of students leaving at 11:30 a.m. should pick up in the front of the school; similar to elementary carpool. Parents will be asked to sign out their child, but will remain in the car to do so.
Friday, June 2 is Field Day for G5-G8. 8th grade students will practice for graduation after Field Day and should be picked up outside the church by 12:30 p.m. All other students in JK-G7 will be released at 11:30 a.m. as per the school calendar.
Please fill in the following survey , to let us know if your child will need to stay after exams. Students who stay will have lunch as normal and be assigned to a classroom for a study hall with a teacher monitor.
Students should arrive at school at normal arrival time and may leave after exams are completed at 11:30 a.m.
Parents of students leaving at 11:30 a.m. should pick up in the front of the school; similar to elementary carpool.
Parents will be asked to sign out their child, but will remain in the car to do so.
Please fill in the following survey , to let us know if your child will need to stay after exams. Students who stay will have lunch as normal and be assigned to a classroom for a study hall with a teacher monitor.
Students should arrive at school at normal arrival time and may leave after exams are completed at 11:30 a.m.
Parents of students leaving at 11:30 a.m. should pick up in the front of the school; similar to elementary carpool.
Parents will be asked to sign out their child, but will remain in the car to do so.