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Middle School Exam Prep

Katie Botha • November 9, 2024

Tips & Strategies from Mrs. Slagle

With exams on the horizon, it is crucial for students to engage in consistent and effective study habits.

Success on exams often depends on the strategies employed during preparation. To aid in this process, Mrs. Slagle has complied the following strategies and tips for students.

Start Now

Interim Reports for the second marking period will be available via FACTS on Wednesday, November 20th.

Middle School Exams are Monday, December 9th through Wednesday, December 11th (with an extra day for make up exams on Thursday, December 12th).

Study Strategies

  • Create a Study Schedule: Develop a study schedule that allocates specific times for each subject. This helps in organizing study sessions and ensures coverage of all topics. Studying shouldn’t be saved for the last days before exams. Set a schedule and study for each exam daily. A great study strategy for time management and focus is featured in the image above. It is called the Pomodoro Technique or Tomato Timer.
  • Vary Your Study Methods: Create flashcards, take practice tests, write your own study guide, review your notes, explore Quizlet, make sure all homework is completed, study with a friend, ask questions in class about topics you’re unclear about.
  • Use Flashcards: Create flashcards for key terms, concepts, and formulas. This method is excellent for quick review and self-assessment.
  • Teach the Material: Explaining concepts to a peer or family member (or even stuffed animals or pets) is an effective way to reinforce understanding. Teaching the material solidifies your own knowledge.
  • Practice with Past Papers: If available, practice with previous exam papers or sample questions. This provides insight into the format and types of questions that may be asked on the exam.

Maintain Balance

  • Take Breaks and Treat Yourself: It’s okay to take breaks when studying and to reward yourself with a snack or something you enjoy.
  • Get Proper Sleep/Nutrition: Never underestimate the power of proper sleep and nutrition. Sleep has a huge effect on memory and food is fuel for your brain! Be sure to get a good night’s rest and eat healthy meals prior to exams.
  • Reduce Your Anxiety/Stress: Test anxiety is real and can have an extremely negative impact on success. Your smart focused plan should help remind you that you are prepared and ready to achieve success! Try going for a walk, praying, exercising, and doing things you love to reduce anxiety/stress. 
  • Stay Positive: Believing in yourself, and having faith in your ability to do something, can often be the tipping point between success and failure. When it comes to exams, having that positive mindset before you go into the room will help you feel at ease and more able to approach questions productively.

Ask for Help

Remember, success is a journey, not a destination! If you have questions about exam preparation, please connect with Mrs. Slagle, our Instructional Resource Teacher for Middle School.

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