Alice Joss , SMCS class of 2019, will be spending part of her summer as an intern at Saint Meinrad Archabbey and Monastery in Indiana. Alice (above left with sister, Megan SMCS ’23) recently completed her freshman year at JMU.
Thanks to mom, Jennifer Joss, who provided the feature photo for this news item and serves on the SMCS Advisory Board. Jennifer is a vocal advocate and volunteer in our parish who is dedicated to keeping youth involved in their faith and recently spearheaded St. Mary’s participation in the Diocesan Youth Conference.
Here’s more about Alice’s exciting summer plans:
My internship this summer is part of a program called CMIP, or College Ministerial Internship Program at Saint Meinrad Archabbey and Monastery. Saint Meinrad is a Benedictine Monastery, dedicated to the service and hospitality of others just like Saint Meinrad was. I will get the opportunity to take college level classes from catechists and a big part of the program is being an intern for the participants of the One Bread One Cup conference.
I have been a participant the past two summers in the Liturgical Music and Liturgical Arts sessions, and this summer I have the opportunity to be an intern for the Liturgical Formation Session(LFS) “Server, Sarctistan, Minister of Ceremonies.” I will be helping, while also learning about the way Mass is performed, helping as an altar server, and I will get the opportunity to help with special liturgies like adoration along with the Masses. I will also be serving as a guide for the high school participants who have chosen this LFS.
At the conference, the participants will get the opportunity to fully immerse themselves through new types of prayer, group activities, and special talks from guests. As an intern, I will also get to experience these events, while also helping teach the participants new things related to their LFS.
This story, contributed by Jennifer Janus, is an excerpt from the Spring 2024 edition of our forthcoming alumni newsletter, the Monarch Messenger and is an inspiring update to the “Fostering Faith” feature from the Spring 2023 edition.
As many as half of young adults drift away from their faith practice after high school, according to research that Drs. Kara Powell and Chap Clark cite in their 2011 book “Sticky Faith.” While that statistic isn’t denomination-specific, it’s not an encouraging number for Catholic parents and teachers who want their kids and the young people they teach to remain connected to the Catholic faith.
Jennifer Joss, a Saint Mary’s parent and parishioner who graduated from the University of Notre Dame, said what’s important is “not about dotting the Is and crossing the Ts. We just want our kids to have something to hold onto.”