The Catholic Diocese of Richmond has released information pursuant to the amendments on public health restrictions outlined in Executive Orders 72 & 79. Below are some guidelines pertaining to students, summer camp attendees, teachers, staff and visitors.
Per the Governor of Virginia’s Executive Order 79 effective May 28, 2021, public health restrictions have been lifted in the Commonwealth, apart from continued guidance on mask wearing.
• ALL students, teachers, staff, and visitors MUST wear a mask over their nose and mouth while on
school property (regardless of vaccination status) on ALL school campuses (public and private) for
the remainder of the 2020-2021 school year.
• Our diocesan mask policy will remain in effect for the remainder of the academic school year
which ends June 3, 2021. This policy continues to allow for masks to be removed while students
are actively eating and drinking. Occasional mask breaks are permitted to be given.
• Masks may be removed when an employee is working in a classroom or office space alone or by
small groups of vaccinated employees.
Executive Order 79:
• While this order ends the “Commonsense Public Health Restrictions” (such as social distancing,
capacity limits, etc.) our schools will continue to follow through with their current health
mitigation plans that have been in place since the beginning of the school year. These plans have
served us well and there is no need to implement any new plans with only three days of school
left after EO79 is effective.
• ALL students, teachers, staff, and visitors MUST wear a mask over their nose and mouth while on
school property (regardless of vaccination status) on ALL school campuses (public and private) for
the remainder of the 2020-2021 school year
• Our diocesan mask policy will remain in effect for the remainder of the academic school year
which ends June 3, 2021. This policy continues to allow for masks to be removed while students
are actively eating and drinking. Occasional mask breaks are permitted to be given.
• Masks may be removed when an employee is working in a classroom or office space alone or by
small groups of vaccinated employees.
Summer Camps on School Grounds
• Summer camps being held on school grounds should plan on following the requirements for
schools in EO79 regarding masks being worn by all while on school property – when indoors
regardless of vaccination status. When outdoors on school grounds, vaccinated individuals do not
need to wear masks and unvaccinated individuals can be unmasked if maintaining a 6ft distance.
• Commonsense Public Health Restrictions will have ended with the EO79 being in place so there
will not be any social distancing, capacity limits, etc. – however, guidelines adhering to the mask
requirements for schools should be followed.
School Workplace After the School Year Ends
• Employee and Visitor Screenings including temperature taking will cease.
• Social distancing and capacity limits will cease.
• Masks will not be required for vaccinated individuals indoors or outdoors.
• Masks should be worn by all individuals over the age of five that are not vaccinated following
guidelines and specific exceptions in the EO79.
• Any person not wearing a mask shall not be required to produce documentation that they are
vaccinated or that they have an underlying medical condition.
2021-2022 Academic Year
• There is currently no information available for health mitigation requirements for the 2021-2022
school year.
• Diocesan guidelines for the 2021-2022 academic year will be based on CDC guidance and
Executive Orders in place as required.
• Guidelines will be shared as soon as more information becomes available.