And don’t forget–Friday April 29th is also an early dismissal day at 11:30am!
Who: All students are invited to welcome up to 4 Grandparents or Special Friends to campus.
Where: St. Mary’s Catholic Church & Saint Mary’s Catholic School
When: All guests should arrive at the church between 8am and 9am to check-in and visit the Art Show before mass. Please take time to view and purchase items from the Art Show in advance here.
What: An opportunity for Grandparents or Special Friends to come to campus and learn more about our school community. Activities will include the aforementioned Art Show plus School Mass, May Crowning, our Spring Sing concert and the opportunity to visit classrooms.
As part of the May Crowning ceremony, we request that all students bring cut flowers or a small potted plant as an offering to place in front of the statue of Mary.
8:00 am: Art Show viewing in Upper Commons of church
9:00 am: Mass & May Crowning
10:00-10:35 am: Art show pick-up / PTO reception in Upper Commons / Classroom visits
10:40-11:20 am: Spring Sing Concert in church (JK, K, G2, G4, G6 perform; all other grades in audience)
11:30 am: Student Dismissal / Carpool