At Saint Mary’s Catholic School, we encourage all members of our community to “walk the talk” and be representatives of Christ’s teachings. In order to model the type of behavior we want to see in our student body, we have implemented a PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention Support) framework called ROAR which stands for Respectful, On Task, Accountable and Responsible.
Each JK-8 classroom has a reminder of these expectations posted in their classrooms for consistency. In our elementary grades, teachers are in the process of working with students to help co-create visual reminders of this all important acronym. In ECDC postings are more visual for students who are not yet able to read without assistance.
This week at our first Prayer Service of the year, Mrs. Esparza reminded students that classroom expectations carry over into the church as we celebrate school mass together with family and members of our parish community. After the service students participated in a short Question and Answer session about how to reverently enter and exit the church and also practiced how to receive communion or a blessing during the celebration of the eucharist.