Don’t forget–Friday May 5th is an early dismissal day at 11:30am!
Who: Parents and Grandparents (or Special Friends if Grandparents are not local)
Where: Saint Mary’s Catholic School. Please park in the back parking lot and enter through the Middle School doors.
When: 8:15am – 11:20am
What: An opportunity for Grandparents to come to campus and learn more about our school community. Art Show purchases must be made in advance here by Tuesday, May 2nd.
As part of the May Crowning ceremony, we request that all students bring cut flowers as an offering to place in front of the statue of Mary. Flowers may be store bought or from your home garden. It is helpful to wrap the ends in a damp paper towel covered in aluminum foil, if possible.
8:15 am: Art Show in Parish Hall/Gymnasium; All guests must enter through rear Middle School doors near ramp.
9:00 am: Mass & May Crowning in Church
10:00-10:35 am: Art Show / PTO Reception / Classroom Visits
10:40-11:20 am: Spring Sing Concert in Church (JK, K, G2, G4, G6 perform; seating chart ); Students must be signed out with their homeroom teacher if they want to leave immediately following Spring Sing.
11:30 am: Student Dismissal / Carpool
Queen of Heaven, Pray for us and keep our focus on Your Son.