Protect yourself and your family this season with an annual flu vaccine for everyone in your family who is six months or older. The flu can vary from season to season and while the vaccine cannot prevent you from getting the flu, it can reduce the severity of illness significantly.
*Check with your local pharmacy, primary care or pediatric office about flu shot clinics, walk-ins, or appointments or use the link below to help find a flu-shot near you*
H – Have a parent or adult trick or treat with you
A – Always carry a flashlight or glowstick
L – Look both ways before crossing the street
L – Listen for traffic & walk on the sidewalk when possible
O – Only wear costumes that fit well and are flame resistant
W – Wear masks that you can clearly see out of
E – Enter only the homes of friends or family
E – Examine treats and candy before eating N Never eat treats that are not sealed or wrapped well
N – Never eat treats that are not sealed or wrapped well
Please remind your child about the importance of good hand hygiene, covering their nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing, and staying home when sick!
As a reminder, all students should stay home from school until they are 24-hours free of fever, vomiting, and/or diarrhea without the use of fever reducing medication.